faq mobile pitstop


Most frequent questions and answers

No, our mechanics don’t carry any cash or change however they are equipped with a debit/credit card terminal and we accept all major cards: Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Apple pay.

Yes! give us a call and we can arrange a date, time and price depending on your location.

See our exact service area map below.


Yes! Our Nissan NV200 service Van is small enough to enter any underground parking lot, both public and private.

Your car will need to be taken out of the garage when a tire service is being performed.

Depending on the number of cars we can offer a family discounted price package for our clients that have more than one car for an Indianapolis Mobile Oil Change.

Yes, all Mobile Pitstop oil changes include a brand-new oil filter.

Yes, we guarantee it, all our lubricants partners cover all oil grades required by major car manufacturers in the US.

Yup, we know how annoying those reminders can be, so we reset the alarm and place a reminder sticker in the corner of your windshield.

Possibly. If your workplace is a Mobile Pit Stop partner, you receive discounted pricing for Indianapolis Mobile Oil Changes and tire rotations. To confirm whether you are eligible for discounted pricing, please contact us: 1-877-774-8786

As part of every oil change, we check and replace your vehicle’s oil, install a new filter, check and add lost antifreeze and windshield fluid, check and add if necessary air to your tires (including your replacement tire), check your brake pads and do a general diagnosis of your car, if something is wrong we will let you know!

No, our mechanics will be in touch with you before your appointment to collect your keys and work on your car while you go about with your day but if you choose to you can watch us service your car!

If you let us know with at least 24 hours in advance we won’t charge you and will be happy to find another date that works for you. However, if our mechanic has already departed on route to your appointment we’ll have to charge our $25 cancelation fee.